What is e-Commerce?

What is e-commerce? What does it mean? How can it help my business?

e-Commerce stands for ‘electronic commerce’. It is the buying and selling of goods and services over electronic systems such as the internet. It can also be referred to as ecommerce, eCommerce or electronic marketing.

e-Commerce has ballooned in growth in the last decade as more and more users have access to the internet. Buying hard goods online is commonplace with massive companies such as Amazon trading millions of inventory lines, eBay; the online auction giant, PayPal; the payment processor – the list goes on and on.

The video from 2007 illustrates the evolution of e-commerce

e-Commerce will play an ever more central role in world trade – it is based around reaching the customer, firstly in their homes; but now with the development of mobile computing – first laptops, and now mobile phones, netbooks and PDA’s, you can potentially reach your customer from everywhere!

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