Submit Website to Yahoo

submit website to yahoo

Submit Website to Yahoo in Two Simple Steps

Yahoo is one of the top three search engines on the internet and is also one of the most visited websites and many people want to submit websites to yahoo in order to attract more traffic as the more traffic you having visiting your website the more money you make. Here are a two simple steps to show you how to submit website to yahoo.

The very first thing you need to do is open an account as well as register with Yahoo which won't cost you a cent as it is free. The process is simple and all you have to do is go-online and type in Yahoo then you need to click on My Yahoo and then click again on sign up. >>> Open an account with Yahoo Fill in all the details required and then once you have completed the registration click on submit. Now you are ready to submit your website so go to the Submit website to Yahoo page and then you will click on submit my site and then you will click on submit a webpage or website and all that is left is to type in your URL address and end off by clicking submit.

This is a very simple and easy way to increase hits and traffic to your site as the Yahoo engine increases visibility. You can go a step further and increase even more traffic to your website by using pay per click advertising and you can also use link building.

submit url to yahoo

Yahoo is not only a search engine it is also a directory and when you submit website to Yahoo you have a far better chance of being discovered by spider driven engines like Google or MSN. There are also other options that Yahoo has and I suggest you check them out as well which will allow you all the full benefits of advertising.

These are just a few of other options you may want to take a look at such as product submission, free mobile site submission, travel submission, Yahoo standard submission and sponsored search as well as many other choices. Some of these options do cost but again could benefit you to submit url to yahoo.

The Yahoo search network also encompasses other search engines too, expanding your potential search traffic reach.

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