Submit URL to Ask (Jeeves)

submit url to ask

>>> Skip to the bottom to view the 3 Simple Steps to submit url to Ask

If you're looking for better web penetration, the best place to start is with Because of the way they index SEO through their webcrawler, it makes more sense to submit url to ask before anyone else. There are a couple things you need to know about their process and you will be on your way.

The first component of registration is to make sure your site follows the open-format Sitemap protocol. Topography or rural, a map only focuses on one specific trait at a time and a web sitemap is no different. The sitemap - typically an XML file - incorporates activity statistics (update records, popularity, etc) so search engines can more intuitively "crawl" the site.

One "statistic" metadata, is data that describes data. It allows for specific description about web content inside the programming language. The more specific your metadata, the more accurate information can be obtained by search engines, and thus the better results you get from them.

The open-format protocol must also follow a few simple rules: it must begin with an opening tag and end with a closing tag (obvious); it must categorize the namespace within the url tag; it must include an ending for each url (called a "parent" tag); and must include a "child" entry for each parent. Outside these regulations, tags are optional and support for them is dependent on each search engine. Finally, all url's must originate from one host and be UTF-8 encoded. There are more specifications but those only become relevant as your site grows, so these basics are what everyone uses when beginning their SEO journey with Ask.

Once you have assured you follow protocol, simply add the auto-discovery directive of your sitemap to robots. You can also submit url to ask through the ping URL. Set the options in your web server to capitalize on keyword indexes and Ask's webcrawler will do the rest.

Ask Ping URL – 3 Simple Steps to Submission

The ‘ping’ url will use your XML sitemap updates to ping the search engines (in this case Ask) with your latest pages and any updates from your feed. This will always need to be set up manually, but after that it’s set-and-forget.

Step 1

Copy and paste the following into a simple text editor (like Notepad):

Step 2

Paste the URL of your XML sitemap (with a .xml file name) into the text file on a new line. Remove any http:// or https:// protocols – Ask needs it in a specific format.


Step 3

Copy and paste your XML sitemap address onto the back of the URL in step 1. Check for any errors or spaces then paste the entire line into your web browser. You should be directed to a page which indicates your site has been accepted.


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