One Way Link Building Advice

Keep It Real!

One way link building advice – Keep It Real!

Now you may have systems which can automatically create backlinks to your website – but what would those kind of link building techniques be achieving? Links are there to provide a reference source, so by “cheating” the system and logic behind it, it undermines your credibility as a authority yourself.

So never participate in link farms! They provide zero credibility, and they can even harm your credibility to search engines. It’s the SEO equivalent of a fake ID…

** NB: Link farms are websites which consist of nothing but links to other websites. Let’s face it, surfers aren’t going to use such sources. They’re going to use search engines which provide tailored results. The only point of such sites is to provide backlinks – but without any credibility.

Linking to poor quality sites will also hurt link credibility, both yours and theirs. When building a links program, don’t look for a quick fix since it will more than often achieve nothing but self-harming.

When building links, try and get links from related, but non-competing sites. They provide the most search engine credibility. Let’s say a network of really high-quality tech sites about Apple products link together (and they each focus on a different area – e.g.,, Visitor appreciation is high across the three of them, so they all benefit off their link exchanges.

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