Mystery Shoppers Frank James... SCAMMER...

by Violet
(Vancouver, WA USA)

I was contacted by email last yr (IN OCT. 2010) by Frank James for Mystery Shoppers assignment...I was given a couple MS jobs to do & earn $200 per job, (to evaluate & send back report)...on my next assignment I was sent a check from Chase Bank (supposedly) for $1,975 to cash $ send 1,700 by Western Union in bank cashed the check, (later returned)& I sent the cash via WU to a Alex James... 4508 Pleasantdale Rd, in Atlanta, GA...the next day I found out the check bounced & I have had to pay back the $ to my bank @ 17% int.EVERY MONTH.

Today I got an email in RED letters with the same MS scam from Frank James...Is there anyway to track down this Dispicable Rat?!!

let me know if there's anything else I can do to get my money back.


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Nov 04, 2015
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